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I believe in a revolution

I said I would write tonight, so I'm going to.

We're gonna get all kinds of political up in here, so fasten your seat belt.

I'm feeling the Bern. Hard. Have been since he announced he was running. Before Bernie threw his name in the ring, I was going to support Hillary. I don't love her, but she seemed like the logical choice and inevitable nominee for the Democrats.

Then a true progressive stepped up. And I began to believe. Ever since then, I have been 110% behind Mr. Sanders.

That doesn't stop with tonight. An upset in Florida would have been amazing. As it is, I can't believe North Carolina is shaping up to be less than a 15% gap.

Ohio hurts, but damn if I'm not proud of Missouri.

They keep trying to say that it's not there. They keep writing us off. And we keep beating the polling numbers like it's nobody's business.

Bernie is going to take it to the convention.

He will have my support every step of the way. For 50 years, he hasn't stopped fighting for all of us, and I won't stop fighting for him. I believe in we, not me. I believe that healthcare should be affordable, that we shouldn't drown in student loan debt, I believe that we need to leave the country a better place for our children. I believe that corporations shouldn't have massive profits riding on the backs of taxpayers subsidizing their workers (I'm looking at you, Wal-Mart), and that everyone deserves a living wage. I believe we only have one planet, and we have done a shit job taking care of her over the last 100 years, and that it's time to change that. I believe in a woman's right to choose, and that people should be able to love whoever they love. I believe that rehabilitation is better than incarceration, and I believe that adults have the right to make their own decisions about drugs. I believe that we as a species are evolving, striving for enlightenment and truly open minds and hearts.

I believe in a Revolution.

No matter what happens over the next 4 months, the fire has been ignited. Millenials, from the young ones just turned 18 to the oldest of the generation at 34 and 35, have figured out that we have a voice. We have figured out that if we don't fight for ourselves, no one else will, so fight we must.

The next decade in America is not going to be easy, regardless of what happens in November.

But the end result will be worth every damn bit of the struggle and the fight.


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