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Heat Waves, #Brexit, and Baseball

It's been miserably hot here in the mid-west the last two weeks. Evidently we are trapped in a heat dome, and therefore have had consistent highs in the 90s...which for Kansas City in June, is not typical. It feels like it's August already. This makes me nervous for when *actual* August arrives. I vaguely recall August of 2012, when the drought started and we were living in Wichita. I'm pretty sure we had something crazy like 15 days in a row where the temp got over 100. It. Was. Miserable.

For now, I will just keep being thankful for air conditioning.

Little man has been playing t-ball for about 4 weeks now, and he had his second game a few days ago. I got a new camera (a Canon EOS Rebel SL1) and I've been taking it out for spins, playing with settings and getting used to the hundreds of things I can do with it.

I love that I get shots like this.

Yes, he has his glove on his head...he's 7.

Right out of the box, it's amazing. And I'm pretty sure it's going to revolutionize my Etsy shop...if I can ever get the time to bust out pictures for 150+ listings, ha ha. And then sit down and do all the editing.

Tonight we are going to a movie in the park with 3 of our best friend families (I don't know what to call us...'group of friends' is not a strong enough word, my best friend nixed my idea of 'framily', and anytime I say 'my tribe' I feel like a fucking hipster poser...they are my people, I guess). I plan on dragging the camera along and, fingers crossed, getting some great shots of the kids.

The next few weeks are going to be busy...we have our annual 4th of July BBQ next weekend, and then the week after we are going camping! Camping! I haven't been camping in 20 years! I booked us 2 nights down at Lake Pomme de Terre in southern MO...I'm stupidly excited, and a little anxious. I will be turning the cell phone off as soon as we get there, and it won't be turned back on until Sunday, most likely. I do plan on taking a shed load of pictures though, and it will probably be picture overload around here after we get back.

The other elephant in the room...the #Brexit was interesting to watch the market nose dive in real time on Friday at work, I guess? But really...once again, the older generation making piss poor decisions that the younger generation will have to deal with, and probably fix. Yeah, I went there. The millennial bashing gets a little old. I will say, it was super entertaining to read Scotland's responses to Trump on Twitter. I think as Americans we really need to step our insult game up. #witlessfuckingcocksplat for the win!

Final political note, I'm glad the Dems are finally growing a backbone...better late than never. We will see what happens when Congress comes back from vacation.

In the meantime, love yourselves. Love each other. Be the change.

image credit


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