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The most exciting update ever!

Ok, not really! :) But it has been awhile, and I'm really going to start making the blog a part of my weekly work to-do list. I hate that I've been neglecting it!

Lots has been going on out here in the super dry midwest. I swear my backyard hasn't seen rain in over 2 months. It scares me a bit, and my poor garden is hanging on by a thread. It is still going though, and we have gotten to enjoy some delicious bell peppers and cucumbers this summer. I love being able to grow my own food. It's rather empowering!

I have been working closely with my therapist, pyschiatrist, and regular family doctor regarding my anxiety/depression and med management. I'm happy to report that I'm doing great; I have come to the realization that I too, will have good days and bad days, just like every other person on the planet. I have started yoga, and it is AMAZING. Seriously, if you or someone you love has anxiety or depression issues, give a yoga basics class a shot. I feel calm, centered, and I grow stronger every day. It pulls you out of your head and puts you in touch with your body...for people with anxiety, being in touch with what is going on in your body can be a God-send, because so often those random things our bodies do can trigger a panic attack. It is easier for me now to remind myself that it's normal, and get through it.

The business is going good, and I have an idea kicking around in the back of my head for a tutorial. At some point I will get to it, I promise! We re-arranged my sewing area, and I now have an "inspiration board" going...I think I'm going to need more corkboard!
The dark picture on the right is an actual photo by me from the Churchill War Rooms Museum in London. It is a quote from the man himself. "We are all worms, but I do believe that I am a glow worm". That experience I had, back in 2007, was an inspiring one, and I like to look at that and think I take after Mr. Churchill in that I will always try to shine, and be a little different. We also have lovely freehand machine stitched pictures, fairies (I love fairies, in case you don't know much so that I have a tattoo of one on the back of my neck), Christina Ricci, Tegan and Sara, and some adorable Icanhazcheeseburger cats.

We are busy preparing for Jon's deployment. While there isn't much for us to actually "do", we are gearing up mentally and emotionally for it. Luckily for us, he will only be gone 8 weeks. And luckily for me, my mama will be here for the first 4 weeks of it. I miss her like crazy and I'm super excited for her to get here (she lives in Germany right now...I'm jealous!). She is a great support to me when he is gone, and I don't know what I would do if she didn't come back to help keep me sane!

That's about all I have at the moment, but I'm going to start updating regularly and sharing more and more of my business stuff, as well as giving you all the random thoughts that are floating around in my head! Please keep stopping by!!


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