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It's March!!!!!

Yes, this post title requires 5 exclamation points. I hate winter that much, even if this year wasn't as bad as years past and my depression and anxiety didn't get nearly as bad. I will still take warmth any day. De Boer
 Sure, this is pretty, for about 10 seconds, and then you are just back to freezing your ass off. 

(Although, to get all hippie and philosophical and shit, I try to take some kind of small pleasure in the hibernation of winter...resting and recharging like the earth and all that jazz)

(But I would still rather be warm)

So yes, I'm very excited for Spring to start in exactly 2 weeks. Bring. It. On.

Last week's birthday party for Preston (best friend's husband) was fun. I was kind of in a funk all night, not sure why, but I still managed to end up laughing so hard I was crying several times, and got to spend time with good friends.

Did I mention the theme? Barbarians and Librarians.


 Like I said, good times despite my funk.

Sunday morning I woke up at 8 am from a phone call from my Dad, with the words no big sister wants to ever hear. "Your brother was in a car accident last night".

Luckily, my oldest little brother is getting away with a cracked hip, cracked vertebrae wing, and some scraps and bruises. His long time girlfriend got a concussion, and the two guys in the backseat came out with some cuts, a broken clavicle, and a cracked vertebrae wing.

The other car drove off, and as of right now, we have no information on the other driver. My Sunday morning was spent at the hospital, and seeing my brother in that state is something I never ever ever ever ever want to see again. He had 2 surgeries, got a plate on his hip, and got to go home Thursday night. I took him some junk food that day during my lunch hour, and he was in much better spirits and just ready to get home.

Needless to say, this last week has been a bit much, and by the time Friday rolled around I was just ready for the weekend to get here so I could be a homebody and relax.

Part of accomplishing this required beer, and when I got to the grocery store, what did I find? My favoritest beer in the history of ever, which officially means spring and summer are on their way!

Is Leinie's considered "basic" now? I know it's grown tremendously in popularity the last few years. (Don't hate. I liked Summer Shandy before it was cool).

Oh, and here's a cute picture of my kid dressed up for his 1st grade musical. Yes, he's supposed to be a dog, and if there's something you should know about my child, he does not do anything half way. Hence the reason why he's actually pretending to be a dog, even though the musical is over...

Other than that, my #lifegoals this week include yoga, more yoga, blogging, sewing, and only working 3 days because I desperately need some time to just chill the hell out and relax.

PS- I made a homemade pasta with vodka sauce last night for dinner...I gotta know...who the hell thought that was a good idea?? Or maybe I'm just using the wrong recipe...if you've got an amaze-balls pasta anything recipe, let me know, because I love me some carbs and marinara.

Follow me on Instagram @shadeygirl149

Or check out Pinterest @shadeygirl for lots of nerdy, philosophical, crafty, and political nonsense


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