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I'm not going to lie.

I'm totally starting this blog post on Monday night, and I will be wrapping it up/publishing on Tuesday (edit here...or Wednesday...).

You see, I just listed 12 new things on Amazon, edited some pictures and put up some Etsy listings, made dinner, fed my boys, and I'm. so. tired.

But everything needs to get done. Like yesterday.

Interesting fact though, speaking of Amazon...I couldn't figure out why none of my listings were showing up in search. In my head, I'm going "What the h, Amazon, you invited me to open my shop finally, what's the deal?" As I dug and dug, I realized that in the handmade section, only 3 main categories were showing up...wait a second...

Turns out, the new categories aren't actually "live" yet.

And Amazon hasn't told us when we will be live either. I did get an email this morning telling me to make sure my Artisan profile was done and I had listings up in the shop within the next 7 days I'm holding out hope we will be live sometime in the next 2 weeks.

I don't know if I just didn't read thoroughly (totally possible) or Amazon pulled a fast one, but I feel like a dummy.

I will be announcing it here and on FB as soon as the Amazon shop is live. Although we are still working out the kinks, I can tell you that...I still haven't gotten as far as figuring out how to change my shipping prices, because I can tell you right now I don't need to charge $4.50 to ship a wallet.

*le sigh*

Here, have some pictures from the last few weeks (or, basically, just some of my favorites from Wine Walk)!

Early on. We like themes. This was at a jewelry store.

Post wine walk at Cosentino's. I think we may be saying we have a problem here...and that problem was that there was no more wine.  

This was first glass, but also a really cute picture of us. We got drunker and sillier as the day wore on.

I've been a total slacker the last 10 days and haven't taken shit all for pictures, however that situation will be remedied this weekend. My mum is in town from VA, and I have a bebe shower + Ayla watching on Saturday, so be prepared for me to overload your 'grams. Sunday is Mother's Day, and we are going to Science City (which I'm almost as excited as Dono about...), so there will also be lots of picture taking then as well.

May is a bit of a cray cray whirlwind...the middle of the month is the *only* weekend we don't have anything planned (yet), and the last week of the month is going to be absolutely nuts, but also an eff ton of fun, so I'll take it.

I'm off to go sew baby stuff now. Yeah. I procrastinate like that.

PS- Follow me on Insta @shadeygirl149
On Pinterest @shadeygirl for lots of nerdy, political goodies
On Etsy @flowerchildsboutique & flowerchildscozies
And on Amazon coming soon!


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