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Girl, you better work...

So I finally took a "stay-cation" last first time having more than 4 days off in a row from work in over 2 years. Eek.

While it was wonderful to cat-nap and laze around all day (and I was, extremely's almost embarassing), I had all these wonderful plans to work on the shop and be creative and also lay out in our hammock in our gorgeous backyard reading Anne Rice.

As it turns out, it was hot for most of the week, and I didn't want to do anything during the day time (side note...our master bedroom and my studio don't have AC or heat vented in to them, because they were added on to our house and people were lazy/cheap. In the winter, I have a space heater that works great in the studio, but in the summer...during the day...the sun beats right down through my 6 lovely windows and no amount of fan action can make it bearable for longer than 10 minutes at a time). We spent Wednesday together as a family for one last fun summer hurrah before Dono went back to school, and had a blast at a local water park. My evenings were spent watching Doctor Who on Netflix (yay for season 8!) and Wentworth season 3 on my computer *if you haven't watched it, go do it. Right. Now. It blows Orange is the New Black right outta the water.

But really I got not a lot of anything accomplished, except for cleaning my studio up one night while rocking out to Florence + the Machine's new album. Which is frickin amazing, by the way, and I'm still holding out hope she will be here in the Midwest sometime in the next 6-9 months, because I definitely need to see her flying around barefoot on stage again.

After going back to the grind at work this week (which! don't get me wrong, I really really like my may be a bit of a strong word, but lots of like is definitely happening), I realized how much I *want* to be creating. I want to be a "work at home" mom, get this business popping and rocking. Over the last 2 years, as our lives have been pretty wild, my shop has become filled with flower hair clips and ruffle scarves, because that's what I've had time/energy to make. But I want it to be SO MUCH MORE. It can be- but I've got to start putting the effort in.

Small goals have been set...and we'll see how it goes. At some point in the next six months, I will be moving the Musings to their own actual website...maybe with a store attached and everything. If things go well, my hope is to start participating in a lot more craft shows/possibly get space someplace downtown (another side note...Kansas City is cool now. Like really cool; I don't think it's always been this way in recent decades, but dang if we aren't the hippest kids on the Midwest block now).

One of the crazy things, that I think has hit me as well now that my little dude started first grade, is how incredibly independent he has become. He still needs me...but he doesn't need me as much anymore. Which is so bittersweet. I love watching him grow and gain confidence and become more and more his own little person, but damn if I don't sometimes miss my snuggly toddler or nursing infant. As he keeps blossoming more and more, I can focus on myself again. Which feels a little weird, but I suppose I'll get used to it.

My eyes are starting to burn, and it's getting to be bedtime, so I'm done for now, but happy for putting fingers to keys and writing it all out.

"Do not worry if you have built your castles in the air. They are where they should be. Now put the foundations under them" - Henry David Thoreau


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