I finished it!! I finally finished it! My very first knit baby blanket!! And possibly my last. Holy beZeus that was an intense couple of months of completion! It was, however, a labor of love. I used Bernat's Baby Blanket yarn...while soft and snuggly, an absolute nightmare to do seed stitch with. I couldn't read my knitting! *IF* (and that's a big if there) I ever decide to make another baby blanket, I will for sure just use regular old baby sport weight! So while it is wonky, is is soft and warm and there was so much love put into it that it hurts! I love you, miss Roaree!!
It has been a hectic month out here in Kansas! I have been dealing with some issues of my own, and working through those has kept me from focusing 100% on my business. I have been diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder with panic attacks, as well as a long-time battle with depression. I've been working through some demons the last 6 weeks, and I feel as though I'm finally making progress. I'm well-medicated now, I think between the doc and the therapist we've finally found the right balance of everything without me having to be totally dependent on Xanax to get through the day. I still need it occasionally, I can normally tell when my anxiety level is getting high and a panic attack is gonna be rearing it's ugly head, and I can take a Xanax to curb it. I'd rather just not have the panic attacks all together, but I'll do what I gotta to try and live/feel/have a normal life. I have made the decision not to let this control me, and not to let this keep me from...
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