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WHEW. Summer wind down.

Even though we still have a few weeks left...the kiddos are all back in school, and I can feel the summer winding down around me.

My heart is so full, despite the pain of the world around me. Or maybe its because of all the anger in the world that I am flooding myself with positivity and light and love. I can't bear to wallow.

It's been 8 weeks since I blogged, and in all honesty it's because we've just been so damn busy. 4th of July, concerts, bbqs, births of babies, and just general cherishing of each other. I started a new job a little over a month ago. And while of course I still want to be a hippie and work for myself from my home, the stress relief has been immense.

My previous job might have been making me sick with stress. I was having major GI problems, and it got to the point where my fibro was flaring and I felt horrible 95% of the time. We are still trying to dig out the root cause of the tummy troubles (basically we are down to either GERD or Celiac's Disease), but I feel so much better already after starting a PPI, working on diet changes, and changing jobs.

Life is good. <3

And now, without further ado, it's about to get heavy in here. Picture heavy, I mean.

4th of July! 

I didn't take many from our annual BBQ, but this is one of my faves...Ayla and her daddy. 

From our camping trip. Beautiful scenery. Not so beautiful time.

More campground.

The sunset on our trip.

Dono pretending to be a security guard and patrolling the park. 

This right here...iced herbal tea and Leinie's for the win!

Playing with the camera in my backyard.

Macro lens is macro.

Baby girl so big.

At our dear friend's birthday picnic in the park. <3

I don't know what he did, but this face is amazing!

Dono and Olive petting the lover puppy.

My chunky monkey 'nephew' Atticus giving me a little smile.

You can't tell, but she was getting down to some jams right here. 

Some of my favorite people.

I wasn't joking when I said it's been a baby summer...Atticus on the left and Kali on the right. They are about 3 weeks apart.

Nina getting some baby loves before Ayla saw...a certain little Miss I know gets jealous when her mama plays with other babies, haha.

This is what Jon has been doing all summer...his project car is almost done! It runs and everything now! 

I should probably explain the camping thing--- It was a beautiful campground, chock full of RVs, haha. And the "beach" at the lake that looked so pretty in pictures was...not so awesome. It was hotter than hell and just all around uncomfortable. We came back home after 22 hours. I am a hippie who needs 4 walls and roof, for sure! And my husband is *definitely* not a tent camping person. I think next year the grown ups in our group/tribe/collective/unbiological family are going to attempt to get a float trip together- Jon and I have never been, and everyone else has been before but we've never all gone as a group together. With no kiddos to worry about, I feel the shenanigans will be heavy. And hilarious.

Like I said, it's been a beautiful, busy, life giving summer. Today we are off to a Labor Day BBQ with the friends, and tomorrow grilling with parents and siblings. Yesterday we went to a classic car show ( was really cool! Next year we are posting up with some friends we know who put their cars/bikes in the show), did go-karts, and played at PowerPlay. This weekend is definitely turning out to be a beautiful send off to the summer. <3

"Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even thought the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place." ---Vonnegut


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