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Filled to overflowing

Today was the day!

I had my first ever craft fair! And it was fun, enlightening, and wore me out- I can't believe how tired I am tonight, but I had to get a post in on this most awesome of days!

So, on this gorgeous Saturday here in Kansas City (unseasonably warm for the middle of November, but hey, it's Missouri!), I participated in a first annual craft fair for a local school district's food service team. I have spent the last 2 weeks sewing and knitting til my eyes burned and my hands ached, and at this point I feel like it was well worth it in order to have this experience.

I didn't make a killing, but I *did* make a profit, and for that I'm thankful! More than anything, this was a huuuuuge learning experience- I took pictures, and it will be obvious that I have so much potential to grow! Doing this first show really brought it into perspective for me though, and helped focus me on what dream I have in my head for how I want Flower Child to be branded and designed and represented. I'm filled to overflowing with inspiration and ideas! I cannot wait to get started really pulling my Etsy shop, booth design, and blog all into cohesive unity!

Without further ado, here are the pictures of my little corner!

 The little wallets, little accessories, and baby stuff...this is the table that got lost because of placement/lack of display height- it looked not so good, and I won't pretend otherwise! First order of business is getting something to hang the dang purses on, and a cute riser for the wallets.
 The rest of the purses...again, totally a mess and totally lost. Everyone who saw them commented on how cute they were, but they just got overlooked so much.
 Ah, the cozies...these need something, I haven't decided yet as I'm kicking a few ideas around in my head and once I figure it out I'll let ya know...the coffee cup cozies didn't sell at all. I sold 2 can cozies, but I was expecting a blowout and that didn't happen.
But these are what did blow out...I started out with 14, and ended up with 8. I will need to figure out a better way to display these too, so that none of them get lost/buried (can you see the pink and gray in the top middle just *barely* peeking out? Or the black sparkly one in the bottom row?), but dang they are popular for the holidays/winter!

I also didn't have any kind of table cloth. I already know what I'm going to be doing from here on out to resolve that little issue!

I have spent an hour this evening perusing various pinterest boards and blogs for more inspiration, and I have to say that my style is this total French Country Chic thing. I *cannot* wait to get it all put together! My husband (who finished web development school in mid-August and has been bugging me about a site) and I have decided to get serious about this, and he will be coming in here and customizing pretty much everything about my blog, as well as helping where he can with the Etsy shop.

Needless to say, I'm stupid excited. Very tired, but sosososo fulfilled right now.

Not much else to report- we are pushing through, things are easier now that hubs has a job (yay!). I'm trying to figure out where I want to go/do with my life and career (*sigh*...ok let's be realistic, I'd want to stay home and run my business, but what's my second choice?) and exploring some options due to that. I must say's my first Christmas in 11 years that I haven't been in retail...and I'm looking forward to the holidays this year!! OMG, I get Black Friday off?? I don't have to be at work at 7am the day after Christmas to deal with the madhouse? I'm off New Year's Eve AND New Year's Day??? I don't know what to do with myself!! No seriously, not be overwhelmed with the holidays getting jammed down my throat for 7 straight weeks is really improving my outlook on them! :D

Little man is doing so well in preschool, it makes my heart want to explode with joy/pride/relief. He's grown up so much in the last 3 months that I hardly recognize him! He is still my sweet angel though, and there's nothing better than him crawling into my lap for snuggles.

Tonight I will leave you with a quote from John Lennon that I've been pondering over a lot lately:

"When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life."

-John Lennon


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