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New job, new home, and the closing of a year.

Although it's been a bit, here goes nothing...I kept meaning to update this over the course of the past year, but life always seemed to get in the way...

I started a new job in April of this year, and I think, at this point, it may have been the best career move I've ever made. I recently got promoted into a supervisory position, and although it's been intense and hectic and sometimes chaotic, I've relished every second of it. I hope to continue to improve and learn and grow and make this company my long time home.

In June we FINALLY bought our first home! It's...overall, amazing. Plenty of space, cute, with almost an acre out back. When we bought it, no one had lived in the home for over a year, and the previous owner hadn't lived in it for 3 years. The backyard was a jungle, and we've had some minor hiccups along the way, but we're finally settling in. There will be many many home improvement DIY projects over the next several years, but overall it's just been awesome.

It was too late in the season when we moved in for me to get a garden going, but we have already plotted out where I will be digging and growing next spring. I can't wait to have the earth between my fingers again.

I have my very own craft some point I'll take lots of pictures and dedicate a post to it all by itself, but having a space of my own to create in has been a dream. We painted the room pink, and it has 5 windows plus the sliding glass door that goes out back. Right now it's pretty chaotic due to the holidays, but I adore it because it's mine. It definitely reflects my eclectic tastes...there's lots of french country chic/antique/vintage going on, plus a quarter wall devoted to my inspiration board. Scissors, threads, buttons, zippers, and yarns are all on display, and the walls are covered in pictures of fairies, Doctor Who, and pieces that either came from my Grandma Westhoven's home, or that my Grandma Arnold painted. There's a giant picture of my Grandpa up on the wall in the little entryway that leads to it (a picture my dad took in college...I love to look at it.), and directly across from it is a picture of the Virgin Mary that my Grandma adored. I feel like they need to be together, so I put them facing each other. My grandparents weren't the greatest love story ever told, but they were a love story nonetheless. That's a story for another day though.

When I need to take a breath, I fire up the laptop and do yoga on the floor in my craft room. When I need to create so badly that it hurts, I turn on spotify and just go. This place is my sanctuary. My home is my sanctuary, to be honest. I love almost everything about it.

I turned 30 this year, which has been quite anti-climatic, truth be told. In my brain I still feel young, and most days my body does too. The thing that has been the bigger shake up in my mental/emotional/spiritual state has been how big my son is getting...he's reading now, for goodness sake! He has 2 loose teeth in the front and he's already gotten 2 of his 6 year old molars in the back...he has opinions on things and gets an attitude sometimes, and at the end of the day is still my love bug, but damnit, he's growing up so fast. I'm so proud of him and so scared for him and a little bit sad that my baby isn't a baby anymore.

My best friend also had a baby this year...a week before my birthday, in fact! Best birthday present ever, if I do say so. :) She's the sweetest little thing, and I have to say, I adore her. I love being an "auntie" and having a baby girl to spoil.

Mister is doing well, he also got a promotion at work and is just taking everything one day at a time. He's probably going to be putting on Staff Sgt in the spring, so yay for that! Although he only has 10 months left in the USAF, so this is going to be the last promotion for him. In all total and brutal honesty, I'm so ready for him to be done. I'm ready to have my husband home all the time, to not have to worry about more deployments, to not be alone one weekend a month and 3 weeks every year. The military has been great for us, I can't lie about that, but our time together is definitely ready to be up. We are ready for bigger and better things, for sure!

Tonight I'll leave you with this:

"A straight line may be the shortest distance between two points,
But it is by no means
the most interesting."

-The Doctor


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