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Showing posts from 2012

One Week...eeek!

Hello world! Well, it's been a busy busy time around here...we are preparing for my hubby's deployment in one week! He is going to be gone for 9 weeks in Turkey. It's not the longest time we've ever been seperated...(hello basic and training?!), but it still stinks...especially since I'm here in Wichita while most of my beloveds are in Kansas City. BUUUTTTT mama is in the States, and she will be here with me next week through the beginning of October! Yes, she will help me retain my sanity. I love my mama dearly, she is my best friend and my rock. After she leaves I will have 4 weeks and then Jon will be home...and I will be focusing on the goal. The goal, you ask? Oh yes...we are moving back to Kansas City!! I think this will be the absolute best thing for Donovan, and me, and believe or not, my hubs. He tries to say that he's a bit indifferent, but I know better! ;) I'm going to continue my therapy and yoga, and hopefully will be making a career chan...

The most exciting update ever!

Ok, not really! :) But it has been awhile, and I'm really going to start making the blog a part of my weekly work to-do list. I hate that I've been neglecting it! Lots has been going on out here in the super dry midwest. I swear my backyard hasn't seen rain in over 2 months. It scares me a bit, and my poor garden is hanging on by a thread. It is still going though, and we have gotten to enjoy some delicious bell peppers and cucumbers this summer. I love being able to grow my own food. It's rather empowering! I have been working closely with my therapist, pyschiatrist, and regular family doctor regarding my anxiety/depression and med management. I'm happy to report that I'm doing great; I have come to the realization that I too, will have good days and bad days, just like every other person on the planet. I have started yoga, and it is AMAZING. Seriously, if you or someone you love has anxiety or depression issues, give a yoga basics class a shot. I feel calm...

Long Time No Chat

It has been a hectic month out here in Kansas! I have been dealing with some issues of my own, and working through those has kept me from focusing 100% on my business. I have been diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder with panic attacks, as well as a long-time battle with depression. I've been working through some demons the last 6 weeks, and I feel as though I'm finally making progress. I'm well-medicated now, I think between the doc and the therapist we've finally found the right balance of everything without me having to be totally dependent on Xanax to get through the day. I still need it occasionally, I can normally tell when my anxiety level is getting high and a panic attack is gonna be rearing it's ugly head, and I can take a Xanax to curb it. I'd rather just not have the panic attacks all together, but I'll do what I gotta to try and live/feel/have a normal life. I have made the decision not to let this control me, and not to let this keep me from...


I'm sitting out on my back porch on this beautiful Wednesday morning writing this, drinking my morning caramel coffee out of my totally awesome mug, I call it my "mama goddess" mug...  and it is such a drastic change from this weekend... We had a wicked tornado rip through town Saturday night...while there is a significant amount of damage, no one was killed and for that we are all extremely thankful. The National Weather Service is testing a new warning system in south central Kansas and most of Missouri...we knew 2 days ahead of time that the storms were going to be bad, and they use words like "Life threatening" "Extremely dangerous" and "You could be killed if you do not seek shelter NOW" in the warnings. I think it was effective and people took it seriously. The tornado passed within 2 miles of our house...we knew when it was close, because the rain, hail, and wind just stopped...and it got deathly quiet. Scary stuff. But everyone is...

Here We Go...

So this is it! My first baby step into the world of blog and all that it entails! Truth be told, I'm scared to death, but excited at the same time. This blog is going to be mostly about my efforts, trials, and tribulations as I venture into the world of running my own business, but I will also throw in little tidbits about my life, my passions, and, of course, my musings. I will attempt to be funny and quirky and witty, as I want you, dear readers, to enjoy what I have to say and laugh along with me at life and its curveballs. Shall we begin? A little background...I'm 27 years old, married to a wonderful man named Jon who is a hydraulic mechanic for an aircraft manufacturer and for the Unites States Air Force Reserve. We have a 3 year old son who I will refer to as Dono. He's intelligent, independent, ornery, and the light of my life. We have a pomapoo named Louie who is spoiled rotten but also our little fuzzbucket, and a cat named Kovu that I have had since he was 6 wee...