And what a beautiful day it was! 65 and sunny- I, unfortunately, did not get to enjoy most of it because I had to work. Boo. C'est la least I will have all 6 of the major federal holidays off this year, instead of having to work half of them like in the past. I am feeling quite poopy. The husband seems to have given me his cold. At least I'm hoping it's his cold. I'm praying for little to no allergy activity this year, but it could definitely be that too. I'll give it another few days before I start popping Claritin with any regularity. In the mean time, I'm drinking Theraflu and hot tea and just trying not to sneeze on everyone I see. I haven't gotten much accomplished for the shop this week, a few pacifier cases and I'm about 10 rows from finishing a new ruffle scarf...literally like 10 rows. I should really just bust it out tonight, but I'm at the point in the night where I'd rather be writing than knitting, so I'm putting...